Monday, April 9, 2007


It's a new word I just came up with... for... um... having more than one blog at a time.

Okay, it's unbelievably lame. I humbly withdraw my application for inclusion in the lexicon.

Anyhow, I decided that I needed a second blog, because the first one was turning out to be very topical (mostly posts about global warming, sustainability, angry rants against consumer culture). I decided that I liked the laser-like focus, and that posting about my most recent dream (I was vacationing on a huge oil tanker anchored off the Cape of Good Hope) would only water it down, boring and alienating those who were there looking for angry rants against consumer culture.

But I desperately need somewhere to get my freak on. Fortunately, I still had a great anagram in reserve. So, invoking the divine powers of Habeeb the Existential, I do hereby declare this the personal blog / online journal / musing spot of Bryce Anderson. I entreat Google to bless my efforts, that googling for "Bryce Anderson" deliver a link unto this blog, and not...

Aw hell.

Right now, the first hit is, a site honoring someone's baby who died of cancer.

I think I'm right to feel a bit shallow just now. But I'm still determined to beat out Bryce Anderson the hockey player and Bryce Anderson the obscure Christian rock musician. Why? Because what is life without a goal and a purpose? Oh, and because Christian rock bugs the Jesus out of me.

So I'll be shamelessly cross-posting between my two blogs, in the hope that Google will misinterpret the cozy nay incestuous relationship between the two as a sort of hallmark of respectability.

Here, I'll be posting my stupid thoughts, unattainable dreams, snippets of fiction, and other self-important tripe, doing my humble part to speed the inevitable collapse of the entire blogosphere into a sucking black vortex of self-involved narcissism. When that day comes, I'll look down awestruck into that gaping, jagged tear in the fabric of spacetime, and wonder if anyone made a backup.

Until then.

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