Five numbers align.
The victor receives great wealth.
Bingo is stupid.
A cruise ship is like a floating city in some ways, and an independent nation in others. It has its own customs and taboos,* its rituals and languages, and a surprisingly complicated legal system. Cruise ship society has a very clear caste system, with most of the population being part of the idle rich class. Idle with a vengeance.
Four of the seven days, we couldn't leave the boat. So there was ample opportunity to study this new culture. The anthropological implications are tremendous, and I'm sure there is no shortage of professors willing to wade in and get their hands dirty (or just manicured) in the name of Science.
I don't have the scholastic background to do it properly, but hopefully someone will find my layman's ramblings useful.
Bingo is... well, I don't care about bingo. Still, I liked the haiku.
Well, this post went nowhere. Sleep now!
* Taboo #1: Do not, under any circumstances, try to unionize the ship's staff. That can get you keelhauled right quick,
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