Monday, August 13, 2007


Yeah, that last entry reads a hell of a lot like a suicide note. That's not going to happen. I wish I knew what is going to happen, but I don't. I knew when I started this blog, that every time I was a little too open about my life, I'd become marginally less employable. I don't know how anyone would reconcile last week's spleen venting with their concept of a stalwart, dependable employee. I know I can't.

It would be easy to simply un-write it. But I won't. It seems more honest to leave it.

I'll try to scrape together some demolition derby-induced epiphanies for tomorrow.


Jacobus said...

How is it that in a time of high economic activity an IT programmer cant land a job? Its is the free money they call "social security". Its like a chain isnt it. You want to go out for work, but your bed is just to warm...Stay in another day, and wait for the welfare check. Who you gonna blame? Well hell lets blame the capitalists..and while we are at it, lets blame the jews, the koreans and any other successfull group.

Jacobus said...

How is it that in a time of high economic activity an IT programmer cant land a job? Its is the free money they call "social security". Its like a chain isnt it. You want to go out for work, but your bed is just to warm...Stay in another day, and wait for the welfare check. Who you gonna blame? Well hell lets blame the capitalists..and while we are at it, lets blame the jews, the koreans and any other successfull group.